Petty Thief Caught At Cash And Carry Hotel In Epe - LagosTrend

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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Petty Thief Caught At Cash And Carry Hotel In Epe


In the face of economic downturn, with its dire effect on the standard of living of the masses, incidence of neighbourhood theft and petty robbery have been on the increase, a riddle yet to be unraveled by security experts across the country.
LAGOSTREND Reports that  surveying in this economy considering their level of operation, majority of such crimes are done for survival sake, as they focus more on petty items like foodstuffs, cash, electronics, generators, phones, vehicle batteries, pots of soup, farm produce and other items that can easily be disposed of.
Their targets are homes, shops and churches, where they operate and escape with ease, without any threat or intimidation. From victims’ experiences, unlike the normal practice, the crimes are carried out in broad daylight, when majority of residents and households have left for their offices and place of work.

23-year-old man was caught stealing at cash and carry hotel yesterday in Epe Lagos State.

He committed the act at cash and carry Hotel in Epe.

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