🚨BREAKING NEWS: Super Eagles Captain Ahmed Musa pin 📌 a message of appreciation. - LagosTrend

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

🚨BREAKING NEWS: Super Eagles Captain Ahmed Musa pin 📌 a message of appreciation.

“On our journey in AFCON, I am proud of our team Super Eagles and National Nigeria. Although we lost the competition, our unity in the field without religious or cultural discrimination just proves how strong football has to unite us. Despite the result of the game, our team stood firm, she showed perseverance and perseverance to ensure the happiness of the fans across Nigeria.

“To our thousands of amazing and inspiring fans, know that your dedication and your passion to sing amazing music has lifted us more than ever.” The way you showed your love for the game and our country definitely motivated us more than anything else. In the face of the challenges of life that are around our necks, Let's continue to walk in such unity even after the soccer field to any of our activities of life.

“As we face life’s challenges ahead of us, remember that, our journey together we will gain great strength.” Let's give the same effort and courage we received during this competition to overcome the problems ahead of us. Let's embrace our differences as one strength, Let's stand together as one Nation, One Group, One Family.

Thank you Nigerians for your support. Let's continue to fight for fame, on and off the field. “ 🙌🏻

May Allah bless you abundantly leader for your kind words of wisdom, proud of your amazing leadership 🇳🇬🦅

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